eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 eTwinning Visibility Newsletter no. 2 | Page 22

Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------It was interesting to see how they discussed in order to make their story not just a series of sentences or utterances. They actually tried to create a context, a kind of ‘situation in the situation’ where the actors would play and perform. For example, it was not only a matter of asking for directions on the street, but also to explain why the people needed such information, then they had to think about who the people were, where they were, what they were doing there and so on. Their creativity was under pressure! It was nice to see them so engaged in this productive phase! After this first experience I've been using filmmaking also in an eTwinning project where students are writing news to be published in an online newspaper. We thought of creating a News TV programme where they read their articles just like speakers. Once the scripts were ready, they had to think about the location, and here too they wanted to do some experiments: they suggested a couple of real locations but also they asked for the possibility to try to create the location just like in a studio. Later, a couple of students from higher levels showed interest too and asked to join us. We thought about having the same situations but on a B1/B2 level of English. The process was the same: planning of the story, creation of the script and so on. There is still so much to be done – pronunciation and intonation are not perfect at all! But is it easy to act in a foreign language? Acting is quite poor, I'm afraid, but our focus this time was not on that aspect. After watching the videos, the students themselves suggested changes in the process: for example, they said that next time they'd better not write a full story but leave more room to improvisation in order to be more natural in their performance. I think this example shows how useful it is to integrate filmmaking in the classroom, and when, some time after the videos were ready, I read Matthew Needleman's post here:, I could only agree. Message Boa