Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2012 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Artful thinking is the integration of noticing and
artful observation. Artists do not even think this as
a strategy to include in the classroom, they think it
is the normal way about creating and interpreting
But what is Artful Thinking? It is a strategy that
involves asking deep critical thinking questions such
as “what do you see?”, “what do you think?”, “what
do you understand seeing this piece of art?”
By applying these techniques to reading, geometry,
science. history, language learning and a lot of
other school subjects, students can suddenly
engage in questioning and active involvement.
They no longer just receive and memorize
information. Instead, they are listening, learning,
giving, receiving, and thinking critically and interact
with each other and the teachers.
Low level students, not proficient in writing can also
express their thoughts and feelings with pictures
this is what we want for eTwinning projects!
All these questions enrich a conversation in the
classroom and promote creative thinking and
creative writing.
Artful thinking is one of the subjects of teacher inservice training in Greece nowadays, so as many
teachers as possible get acquainted with this