Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2011 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------years to sprout but Chinese people never give up
planting, watering and nurturing for four years.
As we are their teachers, we should help our
students learn about their capacity of learning new
information not only about school but also about life
school. That is why we should believe them
ourselves, then they will see us as models.
I like what Albert Einstein once said: ―It is harder to
crack a prejudice than an atom.‖
By the way, today do something yourself: First
open the window, take a deep breath, leave your
coat of prejudice aside on such a sunny day and do
not forget that enthusiasm is contagious and be
open-minded towards life in general.
she/he is learning that every subject or topic is part
of the whole: every subject is strictly connected to
the other.
This way my students understand interwoven
relationships and the multidimensional essence of
knowledge by the use of I.C.T. tools in a European
context, and expand their range of stimuli.
They learn how to organize and propose
information belonging to any subject.
Reflecting on, organizing and representing
contents contribute to the development of
an analytic and relational way of thinking.
The different kind of communication (iconic,
reticular, less formal) stimulates our
students to have ―things to say‖,
consequently they are motivated to
research and to do the analysis of contents.
The freedom to create connections between
the crucial elements allows them to
complete and expand contents.
The adaptability of the tools stimulates
creative potentialities.
On these grounds, what is important is not the
destination but the journey.
Learning this way allows each student to have a
personal route, to satisfy his/her individual needs in
the process of learning: the right tip at the right
eTwinning, the Personal Impact
By Alessandra Cannelli
Alessandra Cannelli is a teacher of English at IC Via
Baccano in Roma, Italy and an eTwinning
pedagogical advisor.
As far as I am concerned, I decided to involve my
students in eTwinning, first of all to create
Another aspect I took into consideration is my
personal involvement: an enthusiastic teacher is
contagious, students will follow you if you
emotionally capture them.
eTwinning enlarges the teachers‘ horizon, too,
creating continuous contacts not only dealing with
the partnership, but about resources, the teachers‘
role in different European countries.
What is important is not only reaching objectives,
but trying different ways to reach them.
What I want them to do is learning a language by
using it as a vehicle of some other subject. The
foreign language must not be the only learning
target, but it must be the instrument of
communication. When the student is concentrated
on a task