Visibility of eTwinning Projects Group July 2011 Newsletter
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Euro-Good News
By Christina Drakopoulou
Christina Drakopoulou is a teacher of French at
High School and Lykeio of Skyros, Greece. She is
especially interested in New Technologies and in
Vocational Guidance.
What if someday we turn on our TV or the Internet
and we listen only to good news!
An aspiration that comes true with ―Euro-Good‖
News, an eTwinning project between Greece,
Turkey, Netherlands and Italy.
On the Way Towards Success and
By Costantino Soudaz
Costantino Soudaz is a Technology teacher at IS
Luigi Barone in Verrès, Italy and an Italian
eTwinning ambassador.
Why so many projects with bad results? Which is
the way to avoid those mistakes? Which actions to
I am an eTwinner from the beginning, January 20
2005 was the date of my first log in to the
eTwinning site. First year - only to understand the
way of working and in which way to present a
project. With many of my first contacts I had only
one message and no answer for months. Then at
the beginning of the school year 2006/07 I received
some proposal of projects and we managed to do
some projects but we never applied for the Quality
My experience of 2005 and 2006:
I try to understand before starting the project the
way of working from ICT point of view of the
contact. If the answers arrived in one or two weeks,
it was ok; if the answer arrived after months, I
knew the communication process would be very
long and the project would be in danger.
Everything started in October 2010. First episode?
Finding ―co-producers‖ and twin-reporters.
The scenario consists in cooperating with other
partners to write and produce a "Good news
bulletin" containing the good news of all Europe
(and all over the world) in Education, Science,
Politics, Environment, Culture and many more.
The TwinSpace of the Project and the
Project Diary
are the Internet reports of our twin journalism trip.
A trip with many phases. Eight months later, the
―Euro-Good‖ News Internet Live Channel presents 24
hours a day the Good News that give hope and
strength to continue having an optimistic vision.
Stay tuned!
In 2007 finally we started projects and we
applied for the Quality Label for 4 of them. The
project I was thinking was the best one was
rejected; for the 3 others we receive the QL, but I
was really unhappy for the first one - the two
founders of the project had disappeared some days
after launching the project and they never applied
for the QL.
It is important that the founders of a project work
on it all the time. It could be considered a ‗must‘ if
you want to receive the QL.
Two of the projects received also other European
countries‘ QLs, so we had two projects with
European Label.
What follows can be found on my eTwinning
Desktop – it is a list of all my closed eTwinning