eTwinning Project e-book_National heritage of may country | Page 47

Republic of Moldova Republic of Moldova is situated in the moderate continental area.This is characteristic on a short and gentle winter, with a little quantity of snow, and a warm and long summer,with a smфll quantity of rainfall. The masses of Republic of Moldova are mostly dry, due to cyclones and anticyclones,what explains the frequency of dry weather practically in all seasons.The territory of Moldova belongs to the low humidity area,with a little quantity of rainfall including 10 percent of snow annual. Unfavorable meteorological phenomena which can cause considerable damage to the national economy of the Republic of Moldova also include heavy rainfall, hail, late spring frosts and early autumn frosts, droughts. Last year we had a lot of snow at the end of April month. This spring we have had snow in March but May is a very warm like summer time. (Babici Ionela, M-011, College of Ecology, Chisinau)