ETH 321 OUTLET Motivated Minds/ ETH 321 OUTLET Motivated Minds/ | Page 6
based on nationality. Their complaint is squashed. Here, the defense o
f the federal government is on the grounds of _______.
inculpatory evidence
circumstantial evidence
bona fide occupational qualifications
exclusionary rule
Article 6 of the Treaty on European Union, called the Maastricht Trea
ty, states the EU is founded on:
• private markets
• rule of law
• specific performance
•stare decisis
Interpreting Congressional intent, which of the following is never a bo
na fide occupational qualification (BFOQ)?
•National origin
Ethical formalists maintain that:
the good of the many always supersedes the good of the few.
harm to an individual is allowable as long as it serves a greater good.
harm to individual rights is never justified by an increase in organizati
onal or common good.