ETH 321 OUTLET Motivated Minds/ ETH 321 OUTLET Motivated Minds/ | Page 29

5. Mr. Sanchez is a 70-year- old man with Parkinson’s disease. Jennifer, a full- time nurse, has been taking care of him for over four years. Mr. Sanch ez depends on Jennifer and considers her to be a trustworthy caregiver . However, Jennifer informs Mr. Sanchez that she can no longer be hi s caregiver unless he promises to leave his estate to her in his will. Sin ce Mr. Sanchez does not have anyone else to care for him, he accepts t his agreement. Under which condition would a court of law allow Mr. Sanchez to void this agreement? 6. Which defense can be used when one party to an agreement threatens violence against another party to the agreement to persuade the latter t o modify the agreement? 7. What is true about the statute of frauds for common law contracts? 8. According to the statute of frauds, what is one component that is consi stently required for a contract to be valid? 9. To which of the following common law contracts will the statue of frau ds best apply? 10. Gadgetbug Corp. and Alba Inc. are two companies that have entered i nto a contract. According to the terms of this contract, if any one party breaches the contract, it will pay the nonbreaching party a fixed amou nt of $50,000. What type of remedy for contract breaches is best illustr ated in the scenario? 11. In the context of remedies to breach of contract, what is true about co mpensatory damages? 12. Identify the type of remedy for contract breaches in which a nonbreac hing party also recovers damages for foreseeable indirect losses. 13.