ETH 321 OUTLET Motivated Minds/ ETH 321 OUTLET Motivated Minds/ | Page 24
Sigma Inc. and Beta LLC. are two companies involved in a dispute. Bo
th companies have agreed to appoint a third party, an attorney, to liste
n to their arguments and help them reach an agreement. The third par
ty, however, will not render any kind of decision for the two parties inv
olved. What type of alternative form of dispute resolution is being used
by Sigma Inc. and Beta LLC.?
In certain cases, the legal issues involve the intricacies of a specific ind
ustry or profession. In such cases, which type of alternative dispute res
olution is used in which a neutral professional is hired to assess and ev
aluate facts and arguments. The professional is expected to come up w
ith an appropriate solution or recommendation. The professional coul
d also collect more informati on, if required, for the case.
ETH 321 Week 2 Individual Assignment Business Torts And
Ethics Paper (2 Papers)
This Tutorial contains 2 Papers
You own University Heights Apartments, a business that rents
primarily to students. One evening, your tenant Sharon is attacked by
an intruder who forces the lock on the sliding glass door of her
ground-floor apartment. Sharon's screams attract the attention of
Darryl, your resident manager, who comes to Sharon's aid. Together,
Darryl and Sharon drive the intruder off, but not before they both are
badly cut by the intruder.