ETH 321 OUTLET Imagine Your Future / ETH 321 OUTLET Imagine Your Future /eth321outlet. | Page 19
13- With regard to the court, adequacy of consideration means
the court doesn't care about value as long as the mutual assent is vali
• the consideration exchanged must be reasonably close in value.
• the consideration exchanged must be exactly equal in value.
the court will adjust the consideration if the value exchanged is unfair
14- The three stripes on Adidas clothing represents a
• trade dress.
• trade secret.
• patent.
• trademark
15- Which of the following is not a general category of torts?
• criminal torts
• strict liability.
• intentional torts.
• negligence.
Which of the following promises ordinarily need not be in writing to be
• A lease of a warehouse for 24 months.
• A $1,000 agreement with a personal trainer for 10 sessions.
• An agreement to sell of a car for $1,500.
• Promises made as a part of a prenuptial agreement.
17- Which of these is not an administrative agency function?
• policymaking.
• creating statutes.
• licensing and permitting.
• investigation and enforcement.
18- Which of the following does not occur in appellate court trials?
• oral arguments by each side's attorneys.