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ETH 321 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ethical Dilemma
Identify the true statement about the American judiciary . 5 . What is the function of an appellate court ? 6 . Identify the courts that conduct primary trials for issues that involve fe deral matters such as federal regulations and statutes . The courts also hear a range of matters and provide decisions that are binding only on the parties involved . 7 . What is true about arbitration as an alternative form of dispute resolut ion ? 8 . Sigma Inc . and Beta LLC . are two companies involved in a dispute . Bo th companies have agreed to appoint a third party , an attorney , to liste n to their arguments and help them reach an agreement . The third par ty , however , will not render any kind of decision for the two parties inv olved . What type of alternative form of dispute resolution is being used by Sigma Inc . and Beta LLC .?
9 . In certain cases , the legal issues involve the intricacies of a specific ind ustry or profession . In such cases , which type of alternative dispute res olution is used in which a neutral professional is hired to assess and ev aluate facts and arguments . The professional is expected to come up w ith an appropriate solution or recommendation . The professional coul d also collect more information , if required , for the case . ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ETH 321 Week 2 Individual Assignment Ethical Dilemma


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