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order to pay the returns promised so he has started using new investor's money to pay older investors. By advertising and by word of mouth, people are anxious to invest with Stan because of the money being paid and with the influx of new investors he is able to continue operating. Stan is • operating an insider trading operation. • guilty of conspiracy to defraud. • racketeering. • operating a Ponzi scheme 4There are several reasons why whistle blowing may not be protected on an international level. These include • Most business is not truly international and so there has been no push for globalization of protection. • Dictators typically do not care if companies are engaging in illegal activities. • Many nations across the globe do not have the dishonesty problems that are found in western nations. • Collective or collaborative cultures may frown on whistle blowing instead of working together to fix a problem. 5- Judicial review • is the power or right of a court to hear a case.