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ETH 125 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2

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ETH125 Week 7 Individual Assignment Appendix H ===============================================

ETH 125 Week 7 DQ 1 and DQ 2

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DQ1 : The women ’ s and feminist movements have been somewhat successful ; women have gained access to high-ranking and high-paying jobs in many industries and fields . Are there still issues for women in the workforce ? If so , what are they and what changes still need to occur ? If not , what do you think made the movements so successful ?
DQ 2 : In contemporary American society , somegay , lesbian , bisexual , and transgender ( GLBT ) individuals are open about their sexual orientation in the workplace . There is some representation of GLBT individuals in popular culture , including the film and television industries . Has this representation reduced prejudice and discrimination against the GLBT community ? How ? What more can be done ?