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ETH 125 Week 3 Appendix C FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . eth125mentor . com
============================================== ETH 125 Week 3 Assignment Who Am I Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . eth125mentor . com

ETH 125 Week 3 Appendix C FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . eth125mentor . com

ETH 125 Week 3 Appendix C

============================================== ETH 125 Week 3 Assignment Who Am I Presentation FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT www . eth125mentor . com

Who Am I ?” Presentation
Create and post a presentation ( using Microsoft ® PowerPoint ® or ( other presentation software ) about your personal background and identity . Attach a separate signed Certificate of Originality .
Identify two or three social categories you identify with that you are comfortable sharing .
Include the following :
Illustrate the racial , ethnic , cultural , gender , or other social categories or groups you identify with and are comfortable sharing .