similar to a melanoma . But most moles never progress to become cancerous and can be safely left alone . Moles may be removed to exclude cancer , where the mole is a nuisance : perhaps irritated by clothing , comb or razor or for cosmetic reasons when the mole is unsightly . Patients who are worried about a mole or with moles which look potentially cancerous should be referred to their GP .
See more images of Moles at CETpoints . com
Lentigo Maligna & Melanoma
Lentigo maligna is a specific type of melanoma in situ that occurs around hair follicles on the sun-damaged skin of the head and neck . Lentigo maligna is commonly found on sunexposed areas , especially the face . 25 It is diagnosed when the melanoma cells have invaded into the dermis . It is the second most common form of melanoma . 26
Melanoma is a serious type of skin cancer , in which there is uncontrolled growth of melanocytes ( pigment cells ). 27 Melanoma is sometimes called Malignant Melanoma .
Most cases are associated with prolonged exposure to UV light . It can occur in adults of any age but is very rare in children . 90 % of cases occur in adults over the age of 45 . 28 Most melanoma ( 75 %) arise from otherwise normal-appearing skin but they can also arise from a pre-existing moles or sun-damaged skin . The most common site in men is the back ( around 40 %), and the most common site in women is the leg ( around 35 %). 29
The first sign of a melanoma is usually an unusual looking freckle or mole . A melanoma may be detected at an early stage when it is only a few millimetres in diameter , but it may grow to several centimetres in diameter before it is diagnosed .
The ABCD rule can be used by health professionals and patients to check for the main warning signs of melanoma :
A = Asymmetry The two halves of the mole look different in shape and / or colour
B = Border Look around the edge of the mole . Melanoma will often have an irregular , jagged , notched or blurred border
C = Colour Several different colours or shades of colour , or a single colour that is different to other moles
D = Dimensions Melanoma change in size and shape . Some melanoma spread outwards as a flat lesion , others grow upwards to form a hard lump . Some melanomas do both .
Figure 10 Lentigo maligna on the cheek
See more images of Melanoma at CETpoints . com
Molluscum Contagiousum ( MC )
Molluscum Contagiosum ( MC ) is a contagious viral infection that affects the skin . It most commonly affects children , although it can occur at any age . Whilst they can look unsightly MC are generally a harmless condition that tends to resolve in a few months without any specific treatment . 30 Usually these skin lesions are asymptomatic and the only symptom of MC is a small , firm , raised papule ( spot ) on the skin . MC is not painful , but can be itchy or sore if inflamed or infected . MC can bleed slightly if scratched .
MC is a self-limiting condition and lesions resolve between 6 and 18 months though sometimes it can last for much longer than this , and may last for years . The spots often become red and inflamed just as they are about to go away , and can leave small , permanent scars . 31
Figure 11 Molluscum Contagiosum on a lower eyelid
16 etCETera | April 2017