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Investing Wisely
21st Century - The Age of the Entrepreneur
In writing this column for this edition, a lot of
reference has been made to a book—The Next
Millionaire by Paul Zane Pilzer.
According to Pilzer, Wealth is the product of
physical resources times technology i.e. W=P
(physical resources)* T (Technology). As an
entrepreneur, your W (wealth) = your P
(physical resources) and P is your relationships. The people you know and whose trust
you’ve earned. The businesses you know
about from your direct experience, and the
amount of time you have available to work,
times your T (technology) which consist of your
basic skills, your ability to read, write, speak,
calculate, process information. The functional
specialized skills you have learnt to date, and
three the most important, your ability to adapt
to change and learn new skills.
fashion design company for new designers
that need a start
iron rod production
selling traditional jewelry
brail screen that reads computer and translates the text on a computer into 3D brail
that the blind could read
lumber company
Make a ski board rotating wardrobe at ski
flavored straws
grocery store that also had a fitness center
a diagonal load dishwasher
When you make an investment you are either
making the effort to take from someone else
(legally and rightfully) and get rich or you have
seen an opportunity to make money out of
nothing. For instance, if today, you walked
around your village and saw all these old men
and women abandoned by their children who
go to the big city to make money; and you decide to set up an Old People’s home where
they can live dignified lives while being taken
care off, you will have created an investment
for yourself with great returns out of nothing.
sushi restaurant
Ideas to guide you outside the box
bringing broadband internet access into
developing countries
The following ideas were brainstormed by fourteen high school students in a 90 minute period
on July 20, 2003.
underwater restaurant
spa franchise
foldable hammock for car trunks
high quality light fixtures
health bar chain
comfy, damage-free ear phones
chair with popcorn holder, tray, built-in radio,
self-cleaning microwave
Candy-land theme park chain
web design/advertising company
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