Quiet Time
Inspired by the Author and Perfector of our faith
The other day I was in a predicament, wondering about two
life altering decisions about my profession, earning a
livelihood, what I do to place food on the table, pay rent
and make an impact on society today. While going through
the psychological struggle God in heaven sent a word to
me to consider His servants depicted throughout the entire
Bible. What I have gone through was and still is an
inspiration even as my heart calms down after the tempest.
When God wanted something done (even today in the 21st
Century), He did not and does not need to physically come
down from heaven to get results. When God wanted to
punish a rogue society, He recruited Noah because He
(Noah) was found to be the only righteous man on the face
of the earth. Upon his employment , God established a
covenant with him - God told Noah “... I now give you
everything”. The second covenant God established was
“Never again would all life be cut off by the waters of a
flood; never again will there be a flood to destroy the
We could endlessly talk about the people of God put in the right
earth”. The rainbow is a frequent reminder of this. Genesis place at the right time to conduct His business and from all of
8 and 9.
them, at least all the values needed to be successful at your
workplace will be found. Honestly, every time we attend a
Abraham was employed by God with the promise of being customer care training, supervisory skills course or training in
made into a great nation, to have his name made great.
time management, strategy meetings, selling skills refresher
Those who would bless him would be blessed by God and courses, leadership skills, planning and so much more, we will
those who would curse him would stand cursed by God.
repeatedly hear of values whose very first foundation is the Bible
Abraham would be the channel through which God would
and not boardrooms worldwide. Patience, trust, loyalty, humility,
bless the peoples of the earth. During his employment,
honesty, faithfulness, habit, character, love, self control, growth
Abraham had to give up much comfort, and to travel far
and development, peace, happiness, contentment and risk are
and wide, had to endure famine, food rations and most of
just a few. Whatever our position at our workplaces, there are
all lack of a son. He had to keep up with God’s promises
basic tenets that have to be employed. These are essential for
that came every so often as much as the physical status/
healthy relations and unless one is connected to God for divine
circumstances spoke a different prophesy from what God
guidance, it becomes very challenging to deal with the diversity
kept repeating to him. At one point he even asked God,
that exists in the company. Simple example - Patience is
“What can you give me since I remain childless...?” In
demanded highly of wronged parties while respect for other
return God told him that if he (Abraham) could indeed
people’s jobs no matter how menial they may seem and
count the stars, indeed, his offspring could also be counted. appreciation for good job done keeps the person going.
(Genesis 14, 15 and 16)
There is no better teacher of the values and virtues of life than the
Joseph was a dream guy - he could dream ( a gift that
Bible. The work place can be a complex nightmare or a place you
worked well enough to have him sold off like a slave),
look forward to going every day. You can choose to be nasty or
interpret people’s dreams and he was used of God. His call you can choose to embrace the virtues that require a personal
to be under God’s employment was a little indirect though; commitment to be successfully applied
but whatever he put his hand to, Joseph was successful God was with him and He (God) gave him success in
On such a background, I choose to share with you a few pointers
everything he did. Entrusted with the wife and properties of to guide you to be almost at par with God’s appointed servants:
one of pharaoh’s officials, Joseph caused his master to
prosper over and above his imagination and then as with
(a) Appreciate the very obvious fact that you have a job all things that go well, there had to be a ch [[