Esteemed Magazines February-March 2008 | Page 7

Perspectives Human Relations H the barriers and get the employees and managers working together, everyone begins to understand how his/ her contribution is so invaluable towards the achievement of the company’s strategic vision and objectives. A successful organization recognizes four key elements to its survival and growth organizational communication, people skills, Now put a twist to it and imagine it is your motivation (not necessarily financial), and staff who do that. People with whom you people empowerment. entrust your most valuable customer, people who you bank on to bring you that six Communicate Needs figure income and be glad to share the sucCommunication is a two way street cess with you. and a shared responsibility. Employees have just as much responsiI purpose not to be that kind of an em- bility for speaking up, for setting expectaployer. I would like my staff to know that I tions and requirements, and for communiam their leader and we work as a team. It cating barriers and opportunities as does may be my name on the company owner- the management team. It is through such ship but it sure is the whole team including that people understand each other’s roles in myself, that makes it stand and do some- the organization, set clear and reasonable demands within the prevailing constraints, thing everyday of its existence. budgets and expectations. After all, if your organization wants to proSo what do you do when your staff are duce results that leave your customers and giving you silent treatment? organization stake holders wanting more of We thought a few of these ideas may help you, everyone has to understand what it you change the office aura and deal with will take. this dangerous monster! ave you ever walked into a room and everyone went quiet? Then they ͡