Esteemed Magazines February-March 2008 | Page 5

Oh God of all creation, bless this our land and nation, justice be our shield and defender, may we dwell in unity, peace and liberty, plenty be found within our borders Let one and all arise, with hearts both strong and true service be our earnest endeavor and our homeland of Kenya, heritage and splendor, firm may we stand to defend. Let all with one accord in common bond united, build this our nation together, and the glory of Kenya, the fruit of our labor fill every heart with thanksgiving I have taken time to go through the map of this world. I have noticed one thing. There is no other country that has our flag No other country has our geographical shape, No other country has our cultural heritage and there is no other country I can comfortably call home! I don’t know about you, but I have chosen peace Peace to preach Peace for our sanity Peace for our motherland Peace to become a prosperous nation Peace to become a prosperous people Surely, we have been a haven of peace for other people, if we run, where will we be running to? It doesn’t make sense to break God’s law for a reason that will be forgotten in another six months Be at peace with yourself and with your neighbor.