Esteemed Magazines February-March 2008 | Page 11

Quiet time I n truth, quiet time is very difficult to write this season. Why, you ask. Just take a look around our country. We have people who have lived together for like twenty years turning against each other. And for what? Just because one man feels that he was cheated out of the second most powerful position in the country. I say second because the highest office in the land of Kenya is God Almighty. by Wangari Kimani I would like all of us sober minded people to consider a few things with all that is going on a) Get rid of all that hate and negative emotion Love doesn’t just sit there, like a stone; it has to be made, like bread, remade all the time, made anew Ursula Le Guin I have been trying to figure out how a friend we have lived with for years can wake up, grab a machete and come to my house, hack my family all to death and feel zero about it. If you ask them why they do that, it is because they want that mkikuyu arudi kwao. For a moment I posed to wonder, what if for sure, they succeed in wiping out the Kikuyus from wherever they are. What next? Will they go to the next tribe or ethnic group which they feel have wronged them. They have destroyed our country just because of power. We can’t allow them to destroy our souls and destinies as well. Nothing drags us back as much as hate and jealousy does. Anyone who wants to get rich, wealthy and successful in this fast world needs to do the following: Wake up in the morning and pray to God that He may richly bless the work of your hands. That is His promise in the Bible - His Word. Work hard and work smart. Get focused The history of free men is never really on what you want to achieve and strategize written by chance but by choice; their smartly on how to achieve it. Otherwise you will keep running around and won’t have choice! anything to show for it. Dwight D. Eisenhower Concentrate on what is important for you. Why are you looking at other people and comparing yourself to them? God did Truth be told, Kikuyus do not bear an untainted fame. They are branded and stereo- not intend you to be like them. Fight to discover what makes you special. If God typed as thieves. I remember when I went has put you on His green earth, it