Esteemed Magazines April - May 2008 | Page 3

PAGE 3 Entrepreneurship picking up the pieces W e at Esteemed were not left untouched by the chaos that hit the country. We were pulled to empathize with our brothers and sisters that were affected and we just could not sit back and watch it on TV or read the papers. Esteemed is about making all of us feel esteemed. That’s exactly what we tried to do in our own small way. Joseph wonders what happened and how can he find the strength to move on They may have shattered my dreams but they didn’t kill my spirit. If anything, they just fuelled it. In one of our encounters with the IDPs (Internally Displaced Persons) we met Joseph. A young man in his late thirties. By the time he was through with his story, our entire team was wondering. In his shoes, could we have kept up the fighting spirit? As you see the situation through Joseph’s eyes as brought out by Esteemed, say a prayer and thank Jehovah God that he kept you from this nightmare. Our one question to Joseph was - What is your story? Joseph’s answer It is amazing that this is what my life has been reduced to - a story. (He smiles before the next statement) I am businessman. Before the elections I had three shuttle matatus on the Nakuru Kisumu route, 3 acres of land in Kitale and I had just finished paying for a 10 tonnes truck from the showroom. My house stood on a five acre piece of land. I did all the landscaping and design. It took me years to come up with a design and this was to be the first time we spent Christmas and enter into a new year in the house. But I guess that was not meant to be. My wife was operating a salon in Eldoret town as well as a grocery shop. Today, I am a house guest in a friend’s The truck was insured, so once we are able to get back to sanity in this country, I will go to Kisumu and recollect. The land in Kitale is for my children’s future. They may have burnt the maize but the land is still productive so God willing, I will go and recover. As for my house, God will renew my architectural mind. I will call you guys to come and see the finished product. rented house. What pains me the most is knowing that all my dreams, went up in flames, and what was not in my compound at that time was either vandalized or forcefully taken away. The maize in Kitale was all burnt down, the truck is a mere shell after all the important gadgets were removed as it was in transit from Uganda; and the house - an empty shell. I did not owe anyone anything. I have never raised a hand at anyone. All I did was work a little extra hard and extra smart to make sure my family did not know the poverty I grew up in. I was employed in an architectural firm when I graduated from campus and I knew that I wanted to be independent so I saved quite some bit of my salary. Then I put one matatu on the road in the city. It was blessed and it paid itself back. The gains I made formed a bigger capital base and soon they were three. It took discipline and constant watchful spending. I accumulated the wealth I have and I Starting over Joseph’s house completed after building for 3years. It cost Kshs. 3 million to build but it took less than a litre of paraffin and one match stick to bring it all down thank God that He gave me wisdom to save up and so I am not rebuilding my life from nothing. I am don’t have much of a choice about getting back up. My wife and children still need me to be successful. I am responsible for their well being. If our lives as a family were preserved then there has to be a way to rise back up. Have I learnt lessons that if given a million years I wouldn’t put myself through that class? Yes. You will have plenty of friends as long as you have the money, but as soon as you hit a down turn, they disappear - fast. I have also learnt that they who laugh with you may not necessarily be laughing; rather they just might be showing their teeth yet hating your guts and plotting your downfall. In business, you have to spend money to make money. I love my mother for many reasons. One being that she taught me the culture of saving and frugal spending. I know what living poor and living rich is about. In business, you should not put all your eggs in one basket and remember this - when you harvest, some seed is replanted, some is kept aside for a rainy day and some is offered as thanks giving to God. Your future depends on your present. I know I will rise again and not to the same levels. Higher This is what I know about starting over after something like this. It has to start from inside my heart and mind. I need to forgive all those who destroyed the fruits of my labor. Some of them are my own employees. Some of them are business partners or rivals. Bottom-line is, they are all people I will work with again. But granted, I will not turn my back or let them stand anywhere behind me. Lest they plunge another knife. I wish I could say to my wife that I will restock her shop and operationalize her salons. It cannot all be done at once. It needs time to build and effort. I know God is not so unfair as to make me spend another twenty years to rebuild our lives. My story is similar to that of Job in the Bible. The man suffered greatly, his children, his cattle, his businesses, his property, his health and It is a long road to reeven his wife’s love. When it was all over, God replenished everything one covery. Difficult but we hundred times more such that he had 200% of his initial worth. Why not me? can make it