Estate Living Magazine The Slow Movement - Issue 39 March 2019 | Page 41

C O M M U N I T Y L I V I N G Establishing a preventive maintenance schedule Preventive maintenance is done for two primary reasons: • If associations do not maintain the components on the reserve schedule, they will not attain their full useful life. Consequently, the components will need to be replaced earlier and the replacement cost will need to be collected over a shorter period of time. This could result in special levies being imposed. • If associations do not maintain the components that are not included in the reserve schedule, they may require replacement, whereas if they were maintained, they would not. The flowchart below describes a preventive maintenance schedule. FLOWCHART FOR PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Yes Step 1 - Review community documents to determine: Is the component part of the common elements? No No Step 2 - Is the component covered under a maintenance contract? Yes No Step 3 - Is the component included in another part of the budget? Yes Yes Step 4 - Is the component a piece of mechanical equipment? No Yes Step 5 - Is the useful life of the component within the selected time window? No No Step 6 - Is the replacement cost below the operating budget threshold? Yes This item is a reserve item This item is not a reserve item Selecting a funding plan I Once your association has established its funding goals, the association can select an appropriate funding plan. You should consult a professional for help in choosing between the three basic strategies: • The full funding strategy is to attain and maintain the reserves at or near 100%. • Baseline funding involves keeping the reserve cash balance above zero. This means that while each individual component may not be fully funded, the reserve balance does not drop below zero during the projected period. • Threshold funding is based on the baseline funding concept, but the minimum reserve cash balance is set at a predetermined rand amount. Developing an investment policy Developing a policy for investing reserve funds allows boards to make consistent choices, and brings structure and continuity to investment decisions.