Downsizing involves letting go – letting
go of the familiar, and letting go of, well, stuff."
The Yacht Club
The Yacht Club
And it’s very hard to do alone. The best way to start letting you also want to have familiar things around you – things that
go of stuff is to give it to friends and family. So, work through bring back good memories – and that balancing act is an art.
things, putting them into three categories, definitely keep,
definitely go, and maybe. Of the definitely go, some stuff will Donovan Seeliger from Republic Interiors, who regularly helps
be very precious, and you will want to give it to someone you people with dementia move into Livewell Village in Bryanston,
love, but a lot of it can be donated to charity, and some will be emphasises that different people have different needs, and
ready for the recycling bin. But there are also some things that different things will make them feel happy and secure. One
you don’t necessarily want to hold on to but that have intrinsic client he helped move had about 50 beautiful scatter cushions
value – that antique vase you inherited from Great Aunt she had embroidered herself, but there was no way she could
Mavis, for example. Keep things like that separate, and get a fit 50 cushions into her studio apartment. They made her
reputable antique dealer in to evaluate it. And, on the subject favourites into a wall hanging, which they framed, and then
of ‘antiques’ don’t forget that Art Deco and even more recent donated the rest to the village for use in the communal areas.
retro items have increased in value. That, he says, is also an option – a lovely big dining room table,
or a comfy but over-large couch, can be used in the communal
But then there are the things you will want to keep. And areas, and helps people to take ownership of the communal
making that decision can be hard – especially if you are moving space.
from a five-bedroom house into a one-room studio. The secret,
really, is to take as little as possible. So, rather than ask yourself The most important thing, he, says, is to not rush. So maybe
how much you can fit into your new space, ask yourself how that’s why dostadning is catching on so rapidly. If done
much you really need. Cramped rooms are depressing, and can mindfully it can be a positive and affirming experience –
even be dangerous. Bumping into furniture is no big deal when lightening not loss.
you’re 19, but it’s a very different story when you’re 90. But
Jennifer Stern | 49