It is incredibly difficult to make the choice to commit someone you
love to full-time medical care, especially if they are elderly and you are
aware that your remaining time with them is limited.
As their cognitive and physical capacity decreases, however, symptoms. Often, their illness causes them to withdraw from
professional care can improve their quality of life and their social and physical activities, which makes matters worse.
experience of life. This is especially valuable for dementia Dementia can be managed but not cured. The emphasis for
patients, who can benefit enormously from specialised caring for dementia patients is therefore on enabling them
programmes and activities that both accommodate and to remain active and socially engaged for as long as possible,
relieve the many complications they experience, and help and enjoy living a quality life.
slow down their cognitive decline.
Home-based care in the early stages of the condition is a
Dementia patients commonly experience confusion, anxiety, practical option for many spouses or families, and there are
disruptive memory loss, decreased judgement, difficulty with many rewarding and joyful activities that they can engage
speech, and mood changes, and this is only a number of the in easily with their loved one, for example walking in nature,
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