clubhouse. The estate is also located conveniently close to personalise their homes, which range from 129m² to 169m²
the Tygerberg Nature Reserve, which has long, lovely walks, in size and include two or three bedrooms. Prices start at
and even some wheelchair-friendly trails, and also the R4.198 million, including transfer duty.
Plattekloof duck pond – a wonderful little oasis where you
can spend ages watching birds. The Panorama Mediclinic is
Construction is progressing well with Phase 1, which
close by, and there are nearby gyms, golf courses and bowls consists of a care centre, Tijgerzicht assisted living
clubs. suites, and the luxury apartment blocks Lebenstijn and
Bloemendal. Tijgerzicht’s dining room and lounge was
Property offerings at De Plattekloof presently include 106
recently completed and furnished by the well-known
assisted living suites, 100 luxury apartments and 57 houses. Niche Interiors. Some of these units have been occupied,
The studio and one- and two-bedroom assisted living suites and others are soon to welcome new residents.
feature beautiful views, and include a 24-hour emergency Phase 2, which will consist of a series
call system, an on-site clinic and various in-home services. of independent houses and apartments, is
Residents can enjoy the privacy of their own apartments or under construction.
join fellow residents in the lounges and communal dining
area. Suites are priced from R1.242 million, including De Plattekloof Lifestyle Estate is proud to have seen
transfer duty. a R178 million total value in sales since launching, which
indicates that the estate is supplying exactly what the market
De Plattekloof Lifestyle Estate’s luxury apartments are wants. On-site viewings can be arranged for between 10am
priced from R2.32 million, including transfer duty, and and 5pm during the week, and on Saturdays and Sundays
offer an independent lock-up-and-go lifestyle. Each unit from 2pm to 5pm.
measures more than 70m² in size, excluding the 6.13m²
balcony or patio, and is allocated a private parking bay.
Designed in the distinctive Cape Vernacular style, the
For further information:
Dawid Prinsloo | 060 960 0100
spacious houses are positioned along a network of walkways [email protected]
to maximise light, and to allow for a pedestrian lifestyle.
Purchasers can choose from a range of quality finishes to | 23