Estate Living Magazine New Beginnings - Issue 37 January 2019 | Page 40

C o m m u n i t y L i v i n g ALL Haven’t we all at some point in our lives wished we could chuck the day job and launch out as entrepreneurs with an innovative and successful idea? Some put those dreams on hold and start each new year as they did the last … but others ‘just do it’. Like the young entrepreneurs at Rhino Wood, who saw the opportunity of combining a by-product usually destined for landfill with a renewable resource to create a sustainable product that is taking the building scene by storm. the idea Scott Sargent and Stuart Prior’s ‘day job’ was in the family business, in the wax industry – not the kind that comes from bees, nor the kind candles are made of: this was hard-core wax, a by-product of the petro-chemical industry. They found that one of the wax by-products was too hard for the standard uses and started looking at alternatives. And that alternative happened to be as a timber preservative. After much chemical experimentation, a wax with the ‘right’ molecular structure was developed for use on our local, sustainable, but soft, raw pine. And using their patented process, the soft pine is modified to have the strength and resilience of other building materials while retaining the warmth and style that timber offers.