Estate Living Magazine Invest SA - Issue 45 September 2019 | Page 19

P R O P E R T Y & I N V E S T M E N T While this facility houses a nine-hole mashie golf course, Dries is clear on the fact that The Islands never set out to compete with Pecanwood, or any of its other golf destination neighbours. ‘There are already a number of these in the area. In fact, our residents can join Pecanwood golf club, although they appear to be far more interested in a water-based lifestyle.’ That’s perhaps not surprising, given that The Islands’ unique design – featuring waterways measuring 400 metres across in some areas – makes it possible to spend lazy days on your boat. Keep it clean The developers have implemented a number of measures to ensure that this water remains clean enough for this purpose. ‘We encountered an unexpected challenge shortly after the canals were built 12 years ago,’ recalls estate manager Gert Nel. When dust settles on the water, it sinks to become sediment, a rich growing medium for water plants, which can grow prolifically. So the developers stocked the canals with Grass Carp – a sustainable method of keeping the ecosystem sustained. The estate’s water usage has also been designed with the environment in mind. Canal water use is managed by an external company, Gert explains, which is currently drafting a water management policy. In the mean time, the canals are fed by boreholes and stream water