Estate Living Magazine Design for living - Issue 42 June 2019 | Page 47

C O M M U N I T Y Or we think we need our lawns. Or you could even allow your existing lawn to grow to its natural length to create a pasture, and mow only narrow paths in the areas where you’re likely to need to walk. But, if you feel you really need some ‘proper’ lawn, restrict it to a focal point of a few square metres – and think carefully about what kind of grass you plant. I And yet many of us need our lawns – or at least spaces where the kids can play, or we can relax (and braai!), or the dogs can, you know, do what dogs tend to do. But if we were to consider the design of our few square metres of outdoor space more thoroughly, we’d probably find far more creative ways to cover the ground that don’t rob the environment of its riches: gravel, for example, or decking, paving, or low-growing, water-wise plants that don’t need mowing. Ground covers, in other words. generally requires ridiculous amounts of water (which isn’t exactly a plentiful resource in sunny South Africa); it’s often susceptible to fungal and other diseases that require regular poisoning; and most species require regular fertilising since frequent mowing prevents lawns from setting up their own self- generating ecosystems of the kind you’d find in natural pastures. L I V I N G