EssLeadershipMag_Issue52_Hall9_EU_Pages | Page 27

After her time in Iraq , Katelyn joined a big city fire department . “ I suppressed every feeling about every 911 call I answered . As a paramedic , I was again where I had to watch people die and see their families sometimes fall to the floor in agony as we told them bad news .” She felt like she was doing what made sense , but she felt she needed more . “ I was a wreck and nobody noticed . I was confused about who I was and what I was doing . . . I was the person waiting for someone to share oils with me . I was the person who anyone pursuing the business needed .”
Then it happened . A wellness advocate scheduled a class at Katelyn ’ s place of work and she attended , ready for nontoxic solutions . “ This really made sense ,” she says .
Katelyn has stayed consistent in her dōTERRA journey through the ups and the downs of building a business . She now serves by immersing herself in the dōTERRA business and research of the products . There are wonderful people who are hiding and hurting in so many ways . “ Serve others ,” Katelyn says , “ and search for those who need help . It just makes sense .”
Image by Palmetto Snapshots RECOGNITION MAGAZINE |