EssLeadershipMag_Issue52_Hall9_EU_Pages | Page 19

Achieving the right balance of personal and family time with work is a consistent challenge for a lot of business builders . To help you find your balance , here are a couple effective tips from Diamonds Suzanne and Derek :
Get your significant other on board . “ Bring him or her to convention and to any training you can . Nothing beats your combined energy and power . And you ’ ll definitely need the support in those moments when you feel like quitting or like your goals are impossibly out of reach .”
Clarify priorities and keep a schedule . “ Your priorities are your priorities . For us , family should always come first . From there , you need to plan and stick to a schedule , carving out specific hours each day to work on your business instead of trying to fit it in when there ’ s time . Because , as we all know , there ’ s never ( enough ) time .”