Getting Up the Mountain
Julia Tilinga | Astoria , New York , USA
From the day Julia started building her dōTERRA ® business , her path has been unique . She joined in 2017 , and at the time the Russian market wasn ’ t yet open , and there weren ’ t any dōTERRA materials available in Russian . Julia took the initiative and for her first two years , she spent much of her time facilitating content for the Russianspeaking community . She says , “ I was doing much more than a regular Wellness Advocate usually does when he or she builds a business .” Looking back , Julia feels this first stage , with all its busyness , was formative in her success . “ I was leading from the beginning , even when I didn ’ t have a leader rank yet . This was my strength . I truly believe being a successful leader means seeing the big picture and being proactive from your first steps .”
And Julia did see the big picture . Though she was working with the Russian-speaking community only , she didn ’ t focus on just one country or region . “ Russian-speaking fellows live all around the globe , so I had the opportunity to build worldwide . Right now , my customers and team members are in more than fifty countries !”
Like all who choose this journey , Julia has faced her share of challenges . She says , “ Sometimes a member of your team decides to quit . Sometimes people don ’ t want to talk to each other . As a leader , you have to use diplomacy to resolve issues . I ’ ve gained invaluable experience in relational skills . I can proudly say I ’ m a more tolerant , easy-tempered , and understanding negotiator than I was before partnering with dōTERRA .”
ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .