Tell us about your journey to Presidential Diamond . What ’ s the biggest lesson you ’ ve learned ?
We enrolled with dōTERRA ® eight years ago , and after all the positive experiences and seeing the essential oils work for us , we were hooked . At the time , our financial situation wasn ’ t good , and completing our monthly LRP wasn ’ t in the budget . Steve encouraged me to see if I could get my products paid for by joining the business side of things . I thought it seemed doable , and I loved the products , so even though I ’ d never considered sales of any kind , I decided to give it a try . We dove in , watching everything we could find to give us tips and insight into how to successfully build this business .
For the first time , I felt like I ’ d found something to do that suited my skills . I loved teaching classes , sharing the business opportunity , and learning how to maximize the compensation plan . As we ’ ve grown our business , we have seen God ’ s hand , teaching us to do our part by working hard every day and trusting Him with the results . As our business has grown , we ’ ve found financial control and success are wonderful blessings , but without a clear purpose and meaning for our lives , they ’ re shallow and empty . We loved God prior to building a dōTERRA business , but we ’ ve grown and learned so much about Him through this
process , and we ’ re unable to adequately express our gratitude for that most precious gift .
What are the biggest hurdles you ’ ve had to overcome ?
One of the challenges we ’ ve had — one that many people will relate to — is building a business while raising a family . The mental fatigue that comes with pregnancy and infancy is grueling , but I ’ m so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn to push through , even when I ’ ve been physically and mentally exhausted . Just like physical strength grows from exercising regularly , mental capacity grows from pushing ourselves to do the things we know we should be doing , even when we don ’ t feel like it .
What advice would you give to someone trying to reach Presidential Diamond ?
Remember , time is your biggest asset . Be honest with yourself about how you ’ re spending your time . Say no to time wasters and yes to things that are important . You ’ re sharing an empowering gift with others to take charge of their health in these uncertain times .
Don ’ t choose the easy road . You might have a simpler time , but you won ’ t have a significant life . Nothing worthwhile is easy . Establish clear priorities for your life to help guide your yeses ( and nos ).
ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .