EssLeadershipMag_Issue48_Smith.EU-Final | Page 17

Stephanie Kutterer | Cypress , Texas , USA

Stephanie Kutterer | Cypress , Texas , USA

Mining for Gold

A few years after starting her dōTERRA ® business , Stephanie felt stuck . Despite giving her all to her business , she wasn ’ t where she hoped to be . “ Most of my builders had walked away . I felt alone , discouraged , inadequate , and confused over what I had done wrong . I felt like I had failed them .”
However , she knew she couldn ’ t quit . “ I ’ d built enough belief at that point in my own capability that I knew if I only kept going , I would eventually get there . My husband talked about it being like mining for gold . I had to just keep going , doing the things I knew how to do , until those golden leaders joined me .” And Stephanie ’ s hard work and persistence paid off . “ The next year , we had a bunch of fabulous builders join us and , in the middle of a pandemic , I achieved the rank of Diamond ! It still feels surreal to me .”
Stephanie knows a thing or two about juggling responsibilities . For the first three years building her business , she was homeschooling her kids and working as a paralegal while building her business . After three years , Stephanie decided to tackle her business fulltime . “ I felt a little nervous , but very elated when I could release the stress of essentially doing three jobs to focus on my dōTERRA business .”
Stephanie is confident anyone with a desire can find success in this business . “ What ’ s special about my leadership is that I ’ m not anything special . I didn ’ t come into this business with leadership skills , sales experience , a huge network , or even a local upline . There were so many excuses that could have held me back , but I kept taking baby steps forward . God has helped me move past so much pain and fear on my journey .”
Throughout the years , Stephanie has seen many people turn away from their dreams out of fear . Instead of taking it personally , she ’ s learned a different approach . “ I look at my business like a water wheel , where people will come and go . I strive to welcome and receive them with open arms , no matter where they are in their journey . For a long time , I struggled with discouragement and feelings of failure over builders walking away — I took it personally . It ’ s important to evaluate how we can be better leaders and make amends when we ’ ve messed up , but it ’ s also vital to let it go and let them go . And who knows , they may actually return one day .”
For Stephanie , it ’ s all about mindset . She knows whatever you believe , you ’ ll create . She says , “ The reality is that my true value and worth is grounded in who I am to Jesus Christ . Everything else can fall away , but that will never change . You ’ ll attract or repel people based on your own attitude , and your attitude comes from your thoughts about yourself and your worth . If I ’ m seeking for others to make me feel validated , I ’ m an empty bucket seeking to be filled . If I face the world knowing my worth , I ’ m a full bucket looking for ways to pour out . Fill your bucket so you can help fill others .”
When new leaders come to me , I completely understand their fears of rejection , of not knowing enough people , of not knowing enough , of not being enough ! If they trust me and my story , I help them overcome their fears and discover their unique strengths and a level of confidence they ’ ve never known before .
Stephanie Kutterer
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .