FINDING a Way Back to Basics
David and Michelle Weaver | Middleburg , Pennsylvania , USA
Michelle and David have come a long way from where they started . Michelle remembers feeling unsure about her knowledge of how to run her dōTERRA ® business . “ When I first started building with my sister-in-law , we had no clue what we were doing .” Michelle looks back on these times with fondness . “ We needed to find a way to do this business even when we did not know how . Instead of this hurting or slowing our business down , it only made me stronger for the future . I was determined to make it work .”
As Michelle gained experience with essential oils and teaching , she found her footing . “ In time , we grew to be strong builders who knew the class script front to back , understood back office , and knew how to effectively enroll customers and builders and consistently do membership overviews .”
As she was working on her dōTERRA business , Michelle contemplated how she could help those who wanted to build their own businesses . “ During this time , I was making a list of what support a builder would want and need . I was ready to pour all my energy into my next builder . I committed myself to always support , teach , and run with my team , no matter what .”
When it comes to building a team , Michelle understands that if gems are to be found , you have to dig . “ This energy isn ’ t just for my frontline team members . I ’ ve learned that when you dig deep , you can discover a goldmine ! I want to pour everything I can into my downline , no matter what level they ’ re on . I love supporting , encouraging , and helping them grow their businesses .”
Even when you work your hardest , challenges still come . “ Continually pushing through the mind block of wanting to give up on a hard day has been key !” For Michelle , one of her biggest challenges taught her to get back to the business building basics . “ A few years after I started , one of my frontline builders told me she was stepping down from the business . I knew this would take a toll on my team and it really affected my mindset for the next few months . It slowed down my enrollments , rank advancements , and my belief in myself and the business . Even though my team didn ’ t know about these setbacks , I could see the ripple effect that was trickling down . I realized at this point that the change had to start with me ! My mindset needed to change . I needed to be more consistent with PIPES . This is when the shift in my business occurred , and I saw my team growing and shining .”
Michelle rediscovered her success by going back to the basics and learned a truth she ’ s continued to apply every day : “ Your business is only as good as your mindset .”
Never ever let anyone else determine your story . You have a glorious destiny . Don ’ t hide what ’ s meant to be seen . Don ’ t shrink back because you ’ re unique . Let God ’ s love shine through you so the world may know His beauty through your life !
Michelle Weaver
Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .