EssLeadershipMag_Issue45_Torres_Cover_EU_FINAL | Page 49



One of Tiffany ’ s keys to building her business has been a clear vision , which begins with writing down a vision statement . If you ’ ve never written one before , here are a few ideas to get you started .
1 . Think of your life in terms of categories — physical wellbeing , personal development , relationships , finances , business , and so on — and write down four or five things in each category that you want so badly you can taste it .
2 . Write them as if they ’ ve already happened and you ’ re grateful for them . The idea is you ’ re imagining what you want , but you ’ re speaking it into the world as if you already have it . Here are some examples :
“ I ’ m so grateful that I ’ m a dōTERRA magnet and that people are coming out of the woodwork every day to join my team .”
“ My team is full of happy , healthy , ambitious , and life-giving people who want to share their gifts with the world .”
3 . Visualize it and try to feel the emotions . Picture that vision and focus in on what you want to create .
4 . If you have a hard time dreaming big , pick a small dream . Work toward that . When you achieve it , you ’ ll find that you can start to see a path . Your belief in yourself and hope for the future will grow . And you ’ ll be able to dream again . achieve their dreams . For most of them , I know exactly what those dreams are , and I ’ m linking arms with them daily as we work toward those dreams . They know I have their backs . I ’ ve failed if I ’ m the only one on our team who achieves her goal .”
It can be easy to imagine that successful people had simple or straightforward paths . Tiffany is quick to set the record straight . “ Many times in my dōTERRA business , I ’ ve wanted to throw in the towel — when things weren ’ t moving as quickly as I wanted them to , when things got more complicated than I had anticipated , when I was fighting an eroding belief ,” she recalls . “ Let me assure you , there ’ ll be days in this business where you want to quit . You wouldn ’ t be a business owner if you didn ’ t ! But I ’ m also here to assure you that quitting isn ’ t the answer , because right around the bend there ’ s a miracle waiting to happen , and it ’ s got your name on it .”
When she reflects on her journey , Tiffany acknowledges that it was one of the hardest but best things she ’ s ever done . “ No one ever said growing this business was easy . But think about all the best things in life , the things that make you feel alive and fill your existence with meaning . They ’ re all hard . And so worth it . This is , too . Keep going .”
* Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com . doterra . com 49