Congratulations on Reaching Presidential Diamond
Chris and Kareena Bracken WASHINGTON , UTAH , USA
Tell us about your journey to Presidential Diamond .
When my journey started 12 years ago , I had no intention of starting a dōTERRA ® business . I was living my dream as a stayat-home mom . Chris owned a successful business . I didn ’ t think I was missing anything . I started out learning about the products because I had a genuine desire to find natural health solutions for my family . That desire to learn more became a passion , which then turned into a passion to share these gifts with everyone . I felt a constant tug in my heart to learn more .
After meeting the owners , I fell in love with them and their mission . I knew I needed to be part of it . I had no idea exactly where it ’ d go or how big it could be . Nobody had gone before us to show us the way or possibilities . I just believed in this company and the oils .
In those early days , it was hard for me to understand why I was led down this path . Why did I want to work when I didn ’ t need to ? I ’ d originally intended to simply “ get my founder ’ s spot ” and be done growing . Obviously , that wasn ’ t how it worked out . dōTERRA has provided me and my family with
4 dōTERRA ESSENTIAL LEADERSHIP I JUL | AUG | SEP 2020 * Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .