EssLeadershipMag_Issue44_Romay_Cover_EU | Page 33

“ It can be hard not to compare yourself to others who seem to be moving faster than you might be . I really struggled with this , but I now realize that I had to go on my own journey , and it unfolded exactly the way it was supposed to .”— Heidi Smith

When Heidi participated in

Diamond Club for the first time , she was a brand-new Silver with no real business builders . “ It was a disaster ,” she remembers . “ Once I missed a flight home and couldn ’ t afford a hotel room , so I slept on the airport floor — while eight months pregnant . That was a real low point for me . After I had my baby , I decided I was going to quit the business .” But thanks to a loving leader who gave Heidi some much-needed space and time before reconnecting , she found herself ready to go again . “ I ' ve learned that there are ebbs and flows to this business . There are times when people , including myself , need to step back , and that ’ s okay . We can ’ t give up on others when life happens to them .”
Becoming the powerful leader Heidi is today didn ’ t come naturally to her .
“ I ’ ve had to learn so many skills along the way , and I feel that I have really become a completely different person than when I started the business .” Doing things like Wellness Consults and LRP enrollment were a struggle . “ Now Wellness Consults are one of my ninja skills ,” Heidi says . “ I love doing them , and people get on LRP most of the time .” Heidi strives to teach her team to “ skill up .” “ If there ’ s something you ’ re not good at that ’ s essential to building your business , then learn how to do it !”
Heid has learned that one of the keys to being a good leader is listening intently and asking thoughtful questions . “ I ’ ve had several leaders who felt stuck in their businesses . If I let them talk and ask good questions rather than immediately jump in to try and solve problems or give advice , then many times they manage to figure out what needs to change without me saying much .”
Throughout her dōTERRA ® journey , Heidi has been able to find the good in every situation . “ I made so many mistakes in the beginning , especially with placements . My team structure was a mess . Those I placed incorrectly caused some heartache for a few people , including myself .” Though these were tough lessons to learn , Heidi is grateful for such experiences , because she ’ s been able to help her team avoid those same mistakes . “ When my builders come to me with a problem , I tell them it ’ s a blessing in disguise , they ’ re going to learn to help their team do things differently . There ’ s always a silver lining in mistakes and tough times if you look for it .”
Go watch someone else who ’ s good at the skill you want to learn and copy what he or she does . That ’ s what I did . I used to believe that I wasn ’ t good at sales and didn ’ t realize that it was a skill I could learn — that I could do it in a way that felt authentic to me . Once I realized this , everything shifted , and I was able to advance much more quickly .
Images by Heather Telford