EssLeadershipMag_Issue44_Romay_Cover_EU | Page 31

“ I don ' t really plan to retire from dōTERRA ever . Why should I ? I ’ m having the time of my life !” — Kathy Glader
doing high-value activities ( HVA ) daily . “ Remember , reorganizing your office and putting stickers on bottles don ’ t count as HVA . Making new contacts , following up with old contacts , and connecting with builders are HVA .” Kathy uses the “ power-hour ” concept , where she blocks of an hour to focus on HVA , takes a break , and then repeats .
Kathy believes that anyone who ’ s willing to work hard and make the business a priority can succeed . “ I share my mistakes with my team , letting them know nobody has to be perfect in this business , but you must have a strong belief in the products , this amazing company , the leaders , and our compensation plan .”
As an avid gardener , Kathy sees growing a successful dōTERRA business as being like growing a garden . Both are a lot of hard work and must be done in the proper sequence .
1 . Prepare the soil by building strong relationships .
2 . Sow the seeds by sharing the oils .
3 . Water and weed as needed with follow-ups and Wellness Consults .
4 . Finally , harvest !
“ The rewards of having fresh , organic vegetables is priceless — just as the rewards from building my dōTERRA business have been amazing blessings .”
* Results not typical . Average earnings are less . See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on doterra . com .
Images by Jackie Schreier
doterra . com