Only give samples to
as many people as you
can handle.
Don’t be afraid to share a
few drops of essential oil
with someone again to
make sure he or she has a
positive experience.
Make sure every person
you give a sample to has
a fantastic oil experience
before you invite her or him
to a class and try enrolling.
Keep track of who has
tried the essential oils so
you have an easier time
following up.
Throughout all the difficult times, Jennifer learned that
mistakes are a part of the process. “If you aren’t making
mistakes, then your business won’t grow.” Whether it was
in teaching a class or catching an important flight, Jennifer
recalls many times when things didn’t go as planned, but
she feels that those times have taught her mindfulness and
preparation, which have helped her succeed as a leader.
She has also learned that “you have to bring the joy into your
business.” She recommends implementing simple practices,
like getting into a joyful mindset before logging in to your
back office, putting your hand over your heart before getting
on a mentor call, or giving thanks for what you have. By
remembering the importance of joy and gratitude, Jennifer
says, “Now I get so excited to look into my back office. I’ve
conditioned that joy and positivity. It doesn’t mean every day
is easy, but as a leader, people aren’t going to want to work
with you if you’re too good at being stressed. Instead, when
you can bring joy and positivity, that creates a wave on which
everyone can surf.”
“The best leadership comes from the heart.”
—Jennifer Rohr
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on