supporting each other, as well as taking
quality time to nurture, develop and
educate because it’s not nearly as
fulfilling going the distance alone. And
with beautiful upline, downline, and
crossline relationships in dōTERRA, we
learn that we’re never alone!”
How to help your team conquer the dōTERRA mountain:
Pause for each other at trail breaks and take the time to educate and
nurture your team.
one another through each stage of the course. Occasionally,
we fall and need to lift one another up. Acknowledge commitment as
much as capability.
Celebrate awesome runs. Cheer one another on as you hit each new
Help each other navigate tricky terrain by setting up strategy calls and
roleplays. Implement strong communication with your team that will
help you navigate each twist and turn together.
As Sue Ann raises the bar to better
herself in her business, she trusts the
process of consistently implementing
PIPES. “Just like in skiing, I know I must
lean boldly into each turn and over my
tips, even when my mind tells me to sit
back on my tails and play small. We can’t
improve in any sport or any business
if we don’t practice and become okay
with the occasional wipeout! Show up
consistently and fiercely.”
Every time Sue Ann skis, she still gets
nervous flutters, but she buckles up her
boots, snaps on her skis, acknowledges
her fears, and does it anyway. “In life
and business, we don’t always have
‘bluebird conditions.’ Sometimes the
journey is tough. The Diamond run can
be daunting, but the journey continues,
and the mountain awaits.”
“In dōTERRA, there’s
nothing like busting past
fears and looking back
down the mountain to see
how far you and your team
have come!”—Sue Ann Grann
Results not typical. Average earnings are less. See dōTERRA Opportunity and Earnings Disclosure Summary on