of dōTERRA
How would you describe the millennial generation/Gen Z?
Our generation is so often scrutinized. We’re so interesting
to people. We’re a little experiment they want to analyze.
They call us lazy, but we’re not lazy. We’re intolerant. We’ve
seen what’s possible, we’ve seen what people are capable
of, and we’ve seen the vision of the world we want to
see—a world that works for everyone—and we’re not going
to settle. We don’t settle for products that aren’t clean or
for companies that don’t source ethically. We’re not willing
to settle because we have seen what could be and should
be, and that’s what we’re striving toward.
Regan Jayne, Diamond—Regan was born in 1995, where
the millennial generation ends and Gen Z begins. As she
builds her dōTERRA® business all over the world, Regan
has her hand in various other ventures, including attending
Harvard to earn her master’s degree in nutrition.
What are challenges you’ve experienced
as a millennial that might be holding others
back from becoming builders?
As younger builders, we don’t have as large of a network
size as some because we simply haven’t been on the
planet as long as most of the people building dōTERRA
businesses. We have to get creative about how we
network. We use social media more and are strategic
with our interactions and collaborations. We’re not so
much targeting someone who wants to be a network
marketing distributer. We’re constantly ideating; we
are always thinking of creative ways to pull dōTERRA
into other entrepreneurial ventures. If someone has an
entrepreneurial dream, we say, “Hey, you can achieve this
with dōTERRA. Why don’t we get your business going?
This is integrity marketing. You love these products
anyway, so let’s use this as a vehicle to make your dream
happen, whatever it is.” dōTERRA is not the end for most
of us—it’s a piece of the puzzle, the artwork we’re creating
with our lives. It’s about a bigger picture.