Essex Central Magazine Issue 1 July. 2013 | Page 10


30 !

Your 30 minute total body workout . with celebrity trainer Danny Cohen

Many people are frequently short of time due to work or home commitments , here is a group of exercises which target the whole body in just half an hour !
They require no special equipment and can be adapted to all abilities .
Squats / Sumo squats - 5 x 15 / 20 This low impact exercise can be used as a warm up and / or main exercise . 1 . Stand , feet shoulder width apart 2 . Extend arms in front of you 3 . Keeping back straight , slowly bend knees to 90 degree angle 4 . Slowly rise to starting position . For Sumo squats , start with feet wider apart and turned out at 45 degree angle .
Walking lunges - 4 x 12 ( or 12 steps back & forth depending on space ) 1 . Stand with feet together 2 . Take wide step forward with right foot as you bend your knees to a 90 degree angle , and your front thigh is parallel to the floor 3 . Stand up out of lunge , and step your left foot to your right . 4 . Repeat with left leg .
Press ups - 4 x 12 / 15 reps 1 . Start in the plank position , with palms on the floor approximately shoulder width apart , directly under shoulders , and balanced on the balls of your feet . 2 . Your body should form a straight line from head to heels ( do not stick bum in the air !) 3 . Keeping back straight , lower yourself so your elbows form a 90 degree angle . 4 . Push yourself back up again with your arms . Beginner : Perform the exercise on knees .
Advanced : Push up with added twist 4 x 12 / 15 1 . As you perform the press up , shift your weight to the left side of the body , twist to the side while bringing the right arm up towards the ceiling in a side plank 2 . Lower the arm back to the floor for another press up and then twist to the other side
Floor Cobra - 4 x15 reps 1 . Lay on your front with your arms extended in front of you . 2 . Lift upper body off of the ground a few inches and try to bring shoulder blades together and downward . 3 . Hold this position for 20 seconds , and then relax . Advanced : Introduce a gym ball ( if accessible ). 4x10 reps
Abdominal crunches - 4 x 12 – 20 reps 1 . Lie on your back with your feet flat on the ground 2 . Place your hands lightly on either side of your head . ( Don ’ t lock your fingers ) 3 . While pushing the small of your back down in the floor , contract your abdominals and slowly roll your shoulders off the floor . 4 . Your shoulders should come up off the floor only about four inches 5 . Hold for a second then slowly return to start position
Reverse curls - 4 x 12 – 20 reps 1 . Lie on your back with arms to the side of your torso , palms facing down . 2 . With feet together , bend and raise your legs so that your thighs are perpendicular to the floor , and calves are parallel to the floor . 3 . Move your legs towards your torso as you raise your hips off the floor . 4 . Hold for a second , then move your legs back to the starting position .
Got a fitness query ? Send your questions to : editor @ essexcentralmagazine . co . uk titled ‘ ASK DAN ’ Tweet us @ EssexCentralMag # ASKDAN Or post on our Facebook page , Essex Central Magazine