Essentials Magazine | Vol. 73 No. 4 | Page 27

A WORD FROM OUR PRESIDENT NSSEA Members Change The World! Jim McGarry | National School Supply and Equipment Association S itting in Washington and watching the dysfunctional non-negotiations of our elected officials it may be hard to accept that NSSEA is making a difference in this complex world. We could never be more wrong. As an industry we have touched almost every student in the education system for nearly 100 years. The products and ideas that have come from the minds and imaginations of NSSEA members have made learning fun, exciting, and accessible to students from all socio-economic backgrounds and learning abilities. We make the products that allow our teachers to be heroes. Now is the time to celebrate the industry that creates the innovative environments that facilitate learning and the tools that give teachers and students the opportunity to thrive. The amount of innovation that occurs every year in the product introductions at EdSpaces and Ed Expo is phenomenal, and NSSEA is going to recognize and celebrate this innovation much more visibly at our industry events. Starting with EdSpaces, we have partnered with the International Interior Design Association (IIDA) to create the EdSpaces Innovation Award. IIDA is the world’s recognized leader in design competitions, holding over 12 per year across many disciplines. This will be the industry’s most important product design competition for innovation targeted to the learning environment. A panel of distinguished interior designers will meet in San Antonio to judge the new product submissions from the exhibitors at EdSpaces in categories ranging from classroom furniture and seating to specialty products and finishes. The winners of these awards will be recognized at the Wednesday General Session, on the NSSEA web site, in Essentials and other industry publications, and on the IIDA web site. (Deadline to enter: November 20. Visit, At Ed Expo we will continue to work with our sponsor Educational Dealer magazine to make the New Product Showcase one of the most popular destinations on the exhibit floor. Dealers will vote on what products they believe will brighten the days of students and teachers. We will also have the Share the Show breakfast roundtable to continue the discussion among the dealer community about what was hot on the show floor and what could be the next year’s best sellers. New this year at Ed Expo is the Teacher Trendsetter Program. Through this program we are going to bring up to 30 well known teacher bloggers to Ed Expo on Sunday to walk the floor and vote on what catches their eye. These teacher bloggers will be clearly identified and we can’t wait to see the industry buzz that they create as they tell the world about the innovation that is only found at Ed Expo. One of the many benefits of this program is the message to the teacher community that the unique and exciting products are available to them by visiting their local parent/teacher store. These are exciting times in our industry. The innovation on display at both shows will totally outpace anything we have seen in the past. There is only one way to be part of this revolution in the tools and environments for learning and that is to participate. See you at EdSpaces and Ed Expo.• “These are exciting times in our industry. The innovation on display at both shows will totally outpace anything we have seen in the past.” CONNECT WITH US FACEBOOK, TWITTER, LINKEDIN: NSSEA essentials | WWW.NSSEA.ORG 27