Essentials Magazine Essentials Fall 2019 | Page 30

The Impact of New School Facilities Figure 2: Average annual attendance is higher at new school facilities 8 6 4 2 0 0 1 2 3 4+ Years of exposure to new school facility Days attended limited in its ability to determine the causal effects of new school buildings. In contrast, the enormous scale of the LAUSD program allows us to use the new school openings as a “natural experiment” to tease out the effects of new school openings on students, schools, and neighborhoods. We use the records for millions of students who attended school in LAUSD between 2002 and 2012 and study how test scores, course grades, and attendance rates changed after students switched into newly constructed schools in their neighborhoods. We also use real estate sales records from hundreds of thou- sands of properties to examine how neighborhood house prices respond to nearby new school openings. We find that students who attended new school buildings saw notable im- provements in math test scores and mod- est improvements in English test scores. These improvements were gradual, and accumulated with each additional year a student spent in a new school building. In 2002, just as the first new schools were beginning to open, students in LAUSD were far below their grade-level peers in California in both English and Math. Our findings imply that attending a newly constructed school for four or more years closes 45% of the math achievement gap and 18% of the English achievement gap between LAUSD students and the California average. In addition, students at new schools attended an average of four more days per academic year than they had been previously. Elementary school teachers at 30 essentials | fall 2019 new schools also reported slightly higher levels of student effort on student report cards. This suggests that improved stu- dent motivation is behind at least some of the positive effects we find. We rule out that these improvements are coming from better teachers, princi- pals, or peers. We also find students who switched from older buildings or ones “.... neighborhood house prices increase by around 6% following a new school opening. “ with a greater reliance on portables saw larger gains than those students whose prior schools were in better physical condition. Overall, we conclude that the improvements are primarily the result of better school buildings, with reductions in overcrowding also an important factor. We unfortunately lacked consistent data on the features of these schools, meaning we could not conclusively determine which specific features of the new build- ings were most effective at improving student learning. Turning to the housing market, we find that neighborhood house prices increase by around 6% following a new school opening. Prices only increase after the new school is completed – and only in the new school catchment areas – providing compelling evidence that the new schools are highly valued by parents and other local residents. Not all improvements from new school build- ings translate into changes in test scores or attendance, but the increases in house prices reflect some of these more general improvements in the school environment and in the broader neigh- borhood. We estimate that the valuation of these improvements was so large that for each dollar of expenditures the dis- trict undertook it generated around 1.6 dollars in return – a more than worth- while investment. Our hope is that future research is able to build off these findings to study exactly why better school buildings lead to student success – and what specific aspects of school buildings are most effective at delivering these. Nationally, millions of students attend schools that are in “poor” condition, and estimates of the funding required to address these deficiencies are often in the hundreds of billions of dollars. The improve- ments generated from LAUSD’s school infrastructure program provide power- ful new evidence that addressing these deficiencies in our school infrastructure could lead to worthwhile improvements in student learning, even taking into account the large upfront costs of these investments. n JULIEN LAFORTUNE is a research fellow at the Public Policy Institute of California, where he specializes in K–12 education. His primary areas of focus include education finance, school capital funding policy, and educa- tional tracking and stratification. He has published research on the impacts of school finance reforms on student achievement in the American Economic Journal: Applied Economics. He holds a PhD in economics from the University of California, Berkeley.