Essentials Magazine Essentials Fall 2017 | Page 29

Six Years of the NMC / CoSN Horizon Report : K – 12 Edition
Key Trends
Deeper Learning Approaches Blended Learning Designs
Rethinking How Schools Work Rethinking the Roles of Educators
Redesigning Learning Spaces Coding as a Literacy Students as Creators
Proliferation of Open Educational Resources
Rise of Bring Your Own Device Rise of STEAM Learning Collaborative Learning
Advancing Cultures of Innovation Growing Focus on Measuring Learning
Rapid Acceleration of Intuitive Technology Impact of Social Media on Scholarship and Communication
Importance of Technology Skills Ubiquitous Learning
5 ) Continuously measuring learning is essential to better understanding learners ’ needs . Analytics technologies are providing teachers , schools , and districts with both individual and holistic views of student learning , informing strategies for serving at-risk and gifted populations .
6 ) Fluency in the digital realm is more than just understanding how to use technology . Learning must go beyond gaining isolated technology skills toward generating a deep understanding of digital environments , enabling intuitive adaptation to new contexts and co-creation of content with others .
7 ) Authentic learning is not a trend — it is a necessity . Handson experiences that enable students to learn by doing cultivate self-awareness and self-reliance while piquing curiosity . Virtual reality and makerspaces are just two vehicles for stimulating these immersive opportunities .
8 ) There is no replacement for good teaching — the role is just evolving . No matter how useful and pervasive technology is , students will always need guides , mentors , and coaches to help them navigate projects , generate meaning , and develop lifelong learning habits . School cultures must encourage , reward , and scale effective teaching practices .
9 ) Schools are prioritizing computational thinking in the curriculum . Developing skills that enable learners to use computers to gather data , break it down into smaller parts , and analyze patterns will be an increasing necessity to succeed in our digital world . While coding is one aspect of this idea , even those not pursuing computer science jobs will need these skills to work with their future colleagues .
10 ) Learning spaces must reflect new approaches in education . The pervasiveness of active learning pedagogies is requiring a shift in how learning environments are being designed . Emerging technologies such as making , mixed reality , and the Internet of Things are requiring more flexible and connected plans .
ABOUT THE REPORT : This NMC Horizon Report series charts the fiveyear impact of innovative practices and technologies for K – 12 education ( primary and secondary education ) across the globe . With more than 15 years of research and publications , the NMC Horizon Project can be regarded as education ’ s longest running exploration of emerging technology trends and uptake .
Download a complimentary copy of the NMC / CoSN Horizon Report .
EDspaces Education : Learn more about the NMC / CoSN Horizon Report at an education session entitled “ The Unimagined Future of Learning Spaces ” on Thursday , October 26 , at 3:30 pm at EDspaces 2017 . Christine Schein , Digital Literacy Instructional Specialist at the Colorado Department of Education will be speaking on the converging needs of pedagogy and space design . essentials | www . edmarket . org 29