Essentials Magazine Essentials Fall 2016 | Page 35

Customer Support Put CUSTOMERS at the Center of Your Inbound Sales Calls BY DAVID M. FELLMAN I had one of those days yesterday, when no one I wanted to talk to was available to talk to me. I was pretty frustrated by the end of the day, but probably not for the reason you think. It wasn’t because I ended up leaving voice mail messages for most of those people, and only one of them returned my call. It was because most of the people who answered the phone made the people I wanted to talk to — clients or potential clients — look bad. Throughout the morning, I heard several variations of: “He hasn’t made it in yet.” During the mid-day, I heard several variations of: “He (or she) is out to lunch.” From about 3:00 PM on, I heard several variations of: “She’s gone for the day.” “He hasn’t made it in yet” usually makes me wonder if he’s sleeping late. It certainly makes me wonder if he’s as serious about doing business as I am. Now, granted, many of these were situations essentials | 35