Essentials Magazine Essentials Fall 2016 | Page 10

kes Different Stro BY BOB STIMOLO B rand marketing and direct marketing are opposites. Brand marketing can be extremely effective when conducted at an appropriate level. But it requires a certain “mass” before its effectiveness kicks in. Thanksgiving Dinner “On You” A number of years ago SMRI did a market study of the brand awareness of several different publishers active in the school market. The Scholastic brand registered far and above all the other brands in the survey. Scholastic also had a very large promotion and advertising budget and their brand recognition 10 essentials | fall 2016 came at a significant cost — a cost that most of the other brands in the survey simply could not afford. As an example, many years back the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) held their annual conference over the Thanksgiving holiday (including on Thanksgiving day) and Scholastic was said to have provided Thanksgiving dinner for all of the attendees (hun- dreds of teachers and administrators). That was one way of making sure that every member of the NCTE knew the Scholastic brand, but the cost must have been significant. Even so, there are likely some educators still teaching today that remember that gesture fondly. Build Awareness, Breed Confidence Brand advertising accomplishes two important goals: it builds awareness of your products and services and it breeds confidence and enthusiasm in your sales channels. Promoting your brand is especially important when you depend upon sales representatives (both internal and independent) and distributors to sell your products. The level of marketing you conduct can have a direct rela-