thinks that “ the most awesome classroom would have everything on wheels ”.
With this arrangement , reorganizing the space as the need arises is quick and easy . This allows for flexibility at all times , so students can even re-arrange their own learning clusters throughout the day . It ’ s not just about desks and chairs either . With mobile boards , bookcases , and teacher ’ s desks , educators can experiment with different teaching models and room configurations throughout the year , join and work with groups of students , and renew the look of the space on a regular basis .
“ The ideal classroom should be adaptable to learning needs — moveable walls and desks , work spaces that can accommodate different learning styles , integrated technology throughout the room , bulletin boards and display walls , and plenty of storage units ,” said E . John Fredrich , Principal of Grace Lutheran Church and School from Glendale , AZ . With the right amount of space and a clever layout , all of these things can be integrated into a classroom , while maintaining an aesthetic appeal . It seems that other educators agree as well , saying they would like to see inspirational messages on classroom walls as well as 4D immersive teaching and learning technology .
Based on the responses , there appears to be a consensus regarding flexibility in the classroom . Today ’ s educators don ’ t want to be limited when it comes to teaching and learning styles , or classroom arrangement . When we asked participants what kind of furniture should be included in the ideal classroom , flexible and movable furniture came out on top , with comfortable furniture as the second most popular choice . The good thing is , flexibility and comfort go together . Most modern school desks and chairs are designed with ergonomics and comfort in mind , so the comfort factor is already integrated .
Color Choices
A creative , fun and welcoming classroom environment starts with an enthusiastic educator , but a little help from an inviting design and color scheme can go a long way . Our survey respondents thought that ‘ natural and warm ’ colors were ideal , with ‘ bright and bold ’, and ‘ rainbow color ’ schemes tied for second . Thinking about colors in individual classrooms is important . Too many divergent color schemes vying for your students ’ attention can make it difficult for them to focus . It ’ s better to commit to one family of colors and make sure everything in the room fits in harmoniously . Warm , natural hues make a learning space both inviting and relaxing , encouraging students to come right in and get to work .
Out With The Old In addition to asking our survey
participants what would be found in the best classroom , we also asked them what they would never want to see in their ideal classroom . Not surprisingly , a traditional setup where desks and chairs can ’ t be moved around was the least desirable . Clutter , punishment areas , closed and barred windows , textbooks , and dull colors were also mentioned .
Some of these things might seem obvious when thinking in abstract terms , but it ’ s also important to consciously keep in mind what teachers don ’ t want during the school year . If they find that the room setup has been the same for a while , encourage them to mix things up . When it suddenly seems that papers are piling up
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