Essentials Guide 2021 | Page 53

Journey & Skill-Building Books

Cadette Program Materials

Journey & Skill-Building Books

It ’ s Your World — Change It ! It ’ s Your Planet — Love It ! It ’ s Your Story — Tell It !
aMAZE !: The Twists and Turns of Getting Along Journey Book 67400 $ 7.00
Badge Activity Set 60401 $ 4.00
Breathe Journey Book 67402 $ 7.00 Badge Activity Set 60402 $ 4.00
MEdia Journey Book 67404 $ 7.00 Badge Activity Set 60403 $ 4.00
My Girl Scout Cadette Memory Book 60004 $ 4.95
All badge requirements available in print format with select digital downloads
It takes a lot of planning to run your Girl Scout
Cookie™ business . Start by expanding your
knowledge of your business resources and
customers . Think about how much time you can
devote to your sales goals . When you ’ re ready ,
create a business plan that will guide you to
your most successful cookie season ever !
1 . Get prepared for your cookie business
2 . Set goals and a budget
3 . Create a mission statement
4 . Plan to reach your customers
5 . Write a team business plan
My Cookie Venture
When I ’ ve earned this badge , I will know how to
create a business plan for my cookie business .
girl photo
Democracy for Cadettes
hether you realize it or not , you probably have
Wsome political issues you ’ re passionate about . Maybe you ’ re determined to spread the word about climate change , or maybe you want to improve the lives of your city ’ s homeless veterans . If you want to make a difference , start by fully understanding how your government works . Informed citizens are change makers !
Steps 1 . Find out about local government 2 . Find out about state government 3 . Find out about the federal legislative branch 4 . Find out about the federal executive branch 5 . Find out about the federal judicial branch
Cadette Digital Leadership
Be the change you want to see ! Think of leaders in your life and history . They not only inspire and guide people , but also show the way to create a better world .
Leaders today have to act in both the real and digital world , or the world of technology .
They help create an inclusive and honest environment online and take care of
themselves and others in the digital world . They share information , make plans , and
connect with others to mobilize their network around causes they care about .
In this badge , discover the digital world around you and use technology to make a difference .
1 . Discover your digital landscape
2 . Investigate the digital world
3 . Design a digital community
4 . Create content for change
5 . Share your process
Purpose When I ’ ve earned this badge , I will have learned new things about my government — how each branch works , how they work together , and how each piece makes a difference in society .
When I ’ ve earned this badge , I will know
how technology can be used to make a
difference . I ’ ll know how to make the internet
a better place for myself and others .
Cadette Cadette
Badge Requirements Made in USA . $ 2.50 to $ 5.00
Girl Scout Essentials Guide 53