Welcome to our very first issue of 'Essential Beauty'
I firstly would like to introduce myself, the publisher of essential beauty. My name is Shannon Sherwood and i am currently, very much enjoying, blogging about all things hair and beauty and giving my person opinions and criticisms on these products. I could forever blog about products i have used, and most importantly i like to inform the reader, hoping it ensures their decision about a certain product has some foundation so they can decide whether to purchase. My blog will be posted at the bottom of the page.
I have intended to make this magazine in order to help those beauty fanatics out there and to overall, recieve some enjoyment through this diverse adventure. In the issues that will be out every month, or occasion, i aim to inspire you, or to give you some in depth knowledge about beauty and hair.
In the next issue we will be bring you: Hair extensions, human hair vs synthetic and what brands are the best?, The style trend at the minute - neon and how to wear it, along with fab beauty, hair and fashion tips...
Shannon x
Essential Beauty Editor