Essence march 2014 | Page 14

This style is for long and no to short hair, it only takes you 4 min to do it.

To do this, first part you hair where you are usually to do it, then grab a section of each side of the part and make a small braid in each sec1111tion, then bring the two braids toward your hair, there you will connect the braids and grab it with a pin.

This is an easy and beautiful bun you can make. How to make this bun: First make a simple ponytail leaving some hair in each side, then twist one side of your hair twice toward to the back of your head and grab it with a pins, repeat the same with the other side and finally connect the two pins and the ponytail with a twice twist and secure it with another pin.

PIN Curl Twist

Besides having our hair healthy, we should have it with style and fashionable.

Girls love to have their hair chic, and always are making all they can to make their hair look prettier and have the best hair of all.

Speaking from my self, the way we have our hair makes us look pretty, and there's many different ways and style it to make seem better.

According to Ali Peene from Health magazine in her article “What's the best way to style my hair when I'm in a rush?” in 2014, “So on days you don’t have time for your hair, just put it in a low ponytail, make sure you’re wearing a nice outfit with the right accessories, and put on your makeup.”

There are many and different styles you can have to look prettier than any girl. Here are some faster and easy tips you can make

This a beautiful braid for long hair, it seems very difficult to do it but actually is very easy and fast.

First part you hair on the side you will want to have your braid, then twist along and grab it with a pin, then start a normal braid but you should connect the other part you twist with this braid, continue making the braid until you finish with all your hair and secure it with another pin.
